Completely Automated...
Estate Tax Forms
If you and your staff are exhausted from spending endless hours typing, correcting -- and retyping
-- Ohio Estate Tax forms, we have the solution!
Our award-winning Quick & Easy™ automated forms software provides you with the most powerful, reliable and
effortless way to complete your legal forms transactions. Our forms are used by thousands of professionals.
Simply enter information using screens that look just like the actual forms; then sit back while the completed
forms are created by your laser printer using plain paper. Quick & Easy pays for itself with the first form you
fill out!
Everything Is Done For You!
SCREENS LOOK JUST LIKE THE FORMS Blindingly fast data entry using screens
that look just like the actual forms.
- No need to learn anything new, just enter the data into the on-screen forms.
- On-screen forms expand to hold as much data as you need, then automatically adjust at print
time to look just like the originals.
and spreadsheets because Quick & Easy does it all for you.
- We've done the hard work and programmed all of the subtotals and totals into the forms
so you don't have to do anything but enter the numbers.
- All math functions are automatic and update instantly... even from complex
- Quickly enter the details and let us handle the math and eliminate mistakes.
Simply enter your data on the appropriate schedule and it is totaled and automatically
transferred to the appropriate lines on the main form.
Think of the time and trouble this will save you!
out of space anywhere on the forms because Quick & Easy expands the space to fit as much data
as you need to enter.
- At print time the data that fits on the form is printed on the forms, and the data that
won't fit is automatically formatted and printed as a continuation sheet.
- And the subtotals from the continuation sheets are automatically transferred to the
appropriate line on the schedules.
SEAMLESS DATA TRANSFER BETWEEN FORMS Data easily transfers between related
fields, even on different forms, saving valuable time and eliminating errors.
- Totals from the detail schedules are automatically transferred to the appropriate lines on
the main schedule.
- Many of our forms packages are fully integrated so that information will quickly transfer
between related forms in different packages.

PRINT ON PLAIN PAPER No need to search for the current blank forms. Print
your completed forms using your laser printer.
- Print double sided forms if you have a duplex printer.
- Fax any form without leaving the program.
GENERATE PDF's Quickly turn any completed form into a PDF for easy
UNLIMITED FREE TECHNICAL SUPPORT As long as you have a current
license, we provide unlimited free US based technical support.
Benefits To You
Dramatically increase your profits by saving time on every
Eliminate calculation mistakes, the software does it all
for you.
Increase productivity by getting more real work done
instead of filling out forms.
Your staff will be happier when they don't have to waste
time on the drudgery of filling out forms.
looking documents without white out or corrections increase client
satisfaction. |
Easy to read
laser printed documents are easier for clients to review. |
Because data transfers between Federal, State and County forms (where available), you
will have consistency between documents.

Not Sure?
We know that you will be completely delighted with your new forms software so we offer a
No-Questions-Asked money-back guarantee. Use the software and our free technical support for 30 full days, and
if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, simply let us know and we'll give your money back.
If you have questions, you can call us at 800-556-7526 right now!

Other State and Federal Forms Available
When you purchase more than one package, you will be eligible for our special multiple package
