When there is a question
on your form that asks you to enter all information specific to that question as they pertain to your client or
case (for example: assets or beneficiaries in your inheritance tax forms, dates of injuries or additional
doctors in your WC forms etc.), the program allows you to enter information into the first position, leaving the
additional areas “grayed out” or not present.
To “add” more answers:
Click your cursor into the area where you
typed in your first answer.
Select the Add Answer icon located on your
tool bar .
(You can also activate this command from the Edit menu.)
This will open the field
boxes that were gray or not present, allowing you to enter your next answer. You can repeat this to add as
many answers as you need to.
If your additional answers are part of a calculation,
the amounts will be automatically calculated into the total.
If you have entered more answers than you can view on
the screen, you may use the scroll buttons and/or scroll bar located directly on the form next to the
question, to scroll through and view your answers.
If you do
not find a solution on this Support Page, please contact our Technical Support Department at 1(800)556-7526,
8:30am-5pm ET M-F, or send an email to