Converting Data Between Forms
To convert data
between forms:
If you wish to transfer
your data from one form to another (for example: information you typed into a Inheritance Tax Form Rev 1500 into
an Inventory form, or a Workers’ Compensation Agreement form into an Answer to Petition etc.)
Open the Quick&Easy program. Select
to Start a New Form or Open an Existing Form. (The form that you select to open does not need to be
anything specific.)
Select File from the menu. Select
Import > Q&E File.
Click Browse on the Import Wizard screen and
select the saved data file you wish to use (the data file you want to convert). Click OK.
Click Next. Choose the option Select a
template and load the data into it. Click Next.
Click Select Template. From the list,
select the form you wish to transfer your data into. Click OK.
Select Next and assure that all field boxes
are selected for the type of information you wish to convert (all options should be checked if you want the
maximum amount of data to transfer). Click Next.
Click Finish. The conversion will take
a few moments. (*Make sure to save your new form with a different name to avoid over-writing your original data
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