Multiple Answers
In multiple answer
questions where you have entered multiple line items (for example: assets or beneficiaries in your inheritance
tax forms, dates of injuries or additional doctors in your WC forms etc.), you may need to insert a new answer
into a specific position, delete an answer, or need to rearrange your answers into their correct
To “insert” an answer into your existing list of answers:
Click your cursor into the position where you
need to enter this new answer (for example: you need to enter an asset into your schedule or a date of injury
prior to any answer you have already entered).
Select the Insert Answer icon located on your
tool bar
(You can also activate this command from the Edit menu.)
This will insert a new
blank answer in that position and move all the following answers down.
To “delete” an entire answer from the list of answers you have currently, and have the program automatically
reposition the following answers:
Click your cursor into the answer you wish to
Select the Delete Answer icon located on your
tool bar .
(You can also activate this command from the Edit menu.)
This will delete the
current answer and bring the following answers up to eliminate the empty space.
To “arrange” answers and adjust the order in which they appear:
Click your cursor into any of the answers
that you have currently.
Select the Arrange Answer icon located on
your tool bar . (You can also activate this
command from the Edit menu.)
This will show you the
list of your answers in the current order, allowing you to select and move your answers to the desired positions
on your list.
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