Send To PDF
Quick & Easy v7.0.2 has an option on the File menu that makes creating PDF files easier! The “Send to PDF” option will only be available if the Datatech PDF driver is
create PDF files using the Send to PDF option:
1. Open the data file you wish to convert to a
2. From the File menu select Send to PDF.
3. Follow the prompt to select the pages you wish to include in
your PDF file.
4. When the Save As dialog box appears, enter a file name (name
your file appropriately, this is the PDF file that will be created for you). You also have the option of
saving this file to any location on your computer.
5. Once your PDF file is created, it is ready for you to attach
to emails or store on our system in the PDF format.
you are running v7.0.2 and do not have the "Send to PDF" option on your File menu, please follow the steps below to
install the Datatech PDF driver:
a) Close your Quick&Easy program and select the Windows
Start button. Click Run.
b) Select Browse.
c) Browse to the folder where your Quick&Easy program is
installed. (By default, the program installs to "C:\Program Files\Datatech Software\Quick &
d) Highlight Install.exe and click Open.
e) The path to Install.exe will now be displayed in the Run
Open line. Click your cursor into this line then select the "End" key on your keyboard (this will place your
cursor to the very far right of the command line).
f) Once your cursor is placed to the far right of the command
line, type a space and then the following:
"Datatech PDF" -n "Datatech Software Inc." -c
g) Click OK.
h) Open your Quick&Easy program. Open a form and select the
File menu. You should now have the Send to PDF option. (For instructions on how to create your PDF file using
Send to PDF, please see steps 1 through 5 above.)
The Datatech PDF is not compatible with some Windows 7 computers. If
you receive an error message either installing or trying to create a PDF from your Windows 7 computer, you
will need to install another PDF driver and select that from the File/Print Setup menu from inside
Quick&Easy, then select to print. You will follow the prompts
to select your pages and to save the PDF file you are creating.
If you do not find a solution on this Support
Page, please contact our Technical Support Department at 1(800)556-7526,
8:30am-5pm ET M-F, or send an email to