Type Mismatch
You can receive a "Type Mismatch" error
when trying to open a data file in Quick&Easy, trying to change pages in a form or trying to
print. This error is also accompanied by the form not
calculating totals correctly.
You will receive this message when you
have entered data that is not in a correct format. The most common
mistake is a dollar amount typed incorrectly in an amount column. Once
this is corrected the error will be resolved and the form will calculate correctly.
Search your form for a dollar amount that was typed
incorrectly. Look for any type of mistake such as a period
instead of a comma in thousands place (for example: $1.000.00 instead of $1,000.00) or a double period entered
(for example: $100..00).
If you do
not find a solution on this Support Page, please contact our Technical Support Department at 1(800)556-7526,
8:30am-5pm ET M-F, or send an email to tech@quickandeasy.com.